![]() 06/21/2015 at 16:27 • Filed to: Jolly Roger | ![]() | ![]() |
Ok, I live on a campground, year round, in a house. My grandparents stay in a RV during the summer here as well. So we had lunch with them, and afterwards I looked at my car and it said “Wash Me, Cabin 5 Rules”. [pictured is the car after being cleaned]
So I walk up to my gpa, who works here as well, and ask “the counsellors are staying in the cabins, aren’t they?” See I know exactly what happened. We have cabins and dorms, and one of the dorm counselors happened to have an near identical pt.
So I drive down to cabin 5, knock on the door. “Who is it?” I decided not to answer, to keep them in suspense. A college kid pops out, “you the counsellors?” “Yeah.” “Here’s the thing, someone wrote on my pt and I don’t really appreciate it.” They looked at me dumbfounded. “Here, I’ll show you.” I brought the two guys to the rear of Jolly Roger, then they realized it was a case of mistaken identity. “I’m so sorry! Want me to clean it?” I looked at him, and realized I was more upset with the act of touching my car and wanted to send a message to them. “Sure, I’d loved for you to wipe it down.”
One guy went inside, the other stayed with me. I told him, “ya know, I live here on the grounds, I was just visiting my grandpa in his trailer.” The other guy comes out, washes it, haphazardly and quickly, but I’m not too concerned about the paint, I want him to think twice about pulling something like this again. He even cleaned something I didn’t see before, that someone from cabin 6 left.
Afterwards, I took the kid to the front of the car, showed him the Jolly Roger license plate and said “hey, this is how you can identify my car, the skull snd crossbones. And the broken bumper from when I took out a sign”.
Now, I’m not the one to freak out, I just wanted them to take responsibility for their actions, and to spread the word that two bright blue pt’s are here. They’re camp counsellors, they are still gonna pull stunts like this, I just dont care to be involved.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 16:37 |
Good grief, just wash your car once in a while.
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I would be more mad at the fact that I drive a pt cruiser.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 16:41 |
Well that was a dick move.
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We don’t bash each other’s rides here, bud. Period.
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Have you been off-road hooning your PT to achieve that level of dust? Cause I approve.
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I also wouldn't pick on a college kid.
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I also wouldn't pick on a college kid then come to oppo to brag about it.
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To be fair, don’t draw shit on other people’s cars, even if they’re dirty.
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I would have remained silent, rounded up a group of campers, armed them with shaving cream and at midnight mounted an attack screaming WASH THIS WASH THIS
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Keep digging.
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I’ve had other posts, where people feel the need to write on my car. Doesn’t matter the ride, it shouldn’t be done.
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What would you do when you are on a budget and it was the only car you could afford?
Seriously, who lets these people on oppo? These car bashers because it’s not the ‘ideal’ ride? Its four doors, a hatchback, I use it for commuting, and it holds my family; how is that a problem?
My ride is my ride, I enjoy it. If you have a problem with it, please, go back to the front page. We don't bash on others rides here on oppo.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 17:04 |
I live on dirt roads, I’ve given up trying to keep it perfect when after a week it's dirty once again.
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Yep, I travel the back roads on the way home for that exact reason. Plus I love how the dirt looks on it.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 17:06 |
Yeah but don't be a douche and pick on a cam counselor either.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 17:13 |
Nicely handled, props to you good sir.
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How is it picking on the kid? He made a mistake, he should be held accountable. Since when should someone making a mistake not be held accountable?
Plus if I said nothing, it could of kept happening. I live here, I drive around the camp, park the car, etc. these counselors stay here the whole summer. If nothing was said, with their quickness to pull pranks, it probably would of happened again.
The kid needed to find out, one way or another.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 17:19 |
He simply told them that he doesn’t appreciate them writing on his car, that’s not “picking” on college kids. If you don’t have anything nice to say about someone else’s car on Oppo then don’t say anything at all.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 17:20 |
Thank you, apparently some others here think otherwise. I actually left really ticked off, but after a 30 second car ride I figured “honest mistake, I just want them to owe up to it” . I mean, I even pointed out how to identify my car so it won’t happen again.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 17:22 |
Do you have kids? Make them do it.
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Ha, senior high camp is starting as we speak. Plus my car is too identifiable, lol.
I am looking to purchase a three-man water ballon launcher. It's camp tradition that if swimmers go on rafts to sunbathe in the middle of the lake, you launch water balloons at them. You don't mess with tradition.
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She’s 2, but trust me, I will ask her later in life, plus anything I don’t want to do, like walking the dog or lawn care. I'll make something up about responsibility and character building.
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Why need friends? Build one of these and camouflage it so you can hide in the woods and no one will ever see you.
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So wait, what part of my story is the douche part? Me confronting them and telling them I didnt appreciate it? Or me saying “sure, clean it” after he offered? Am I not to bring this to his attention? Sure, he didn’t know this had happened before, but does that make it ok?
I mean, I even told how to identify my car, so it doesn’t happen to my car again. So how am I a douche here? I was frustrated, yes, but who wouldn’t be? I never raised my voice, talked plainly, he even thanked me for be ‘cool’ about their mistake. So how am I a douche?
![]() 06/21/2015 at 17:40 |
Would be nice if the counselor wasn’t a douche and had respect for other people’s property.
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I’m on a hill behind a tree line overlooking the ball fields, this is perfect.
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Solid tradition!
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I personally wouldn’t care.
Like I mean, this is coming from the person who used to draw dicks on dusty cars as a child.
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Agreeance. Drove a 97 Saturn for 5 years, I still respected it. And as Im 6’6”, I turned into that Simpsons guy.
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You could say I'm getting tired of people doing it to my car. :/
![]() 06/21/2015 at 18:03 |
Yep. If you're a true gearhead, any car is fun, :).
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It’s usually guys shooting at the girls, so there’s that. When you’re a teen, it’s like the coolest thing. The girls just hung out in a group on the lake, so you’re bound to hit someone, lol. Happens during campmeeting week, which I have off this year.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 18:39 |
By posting on oppo how you pinked a college school camp counselor. You could of just posted that someone wrote on your car and you didn't apreciate it, although like you said you are used to having your car dirty, makes you sound like you were just flexing on a college kid.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 18:40 |
Since when a grown man post on oppo about checking a kid?
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I’ll give you that the story sounds odd and the wording could of been better, but I do think you are blowing it out of proportion here. I’m simply stating what happened, how odd it was, and how I resolved it. This is oppo, a gathering of car enthusiast, I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who has delt with a situation like this.
And it does frustrate me that this happens, but if I tell a story I like to say it all, not a partial one. I honestly think the only thing I forgot to mention was there response afterwards. They acted like they were in trouble, embarrassed, but wanted to make it right. Rereading it I can see your viewpoint and where I seem like a douche. I’ll choose my words more carefully next time.
If I tell the whole story, it lets people interpret it how they like. For example, you think I’m a douche. I’m honestly not one, and I tend to not posts these things on oppo, because stuff like this happens, but this was too weird to not share. But don’t take my word for it. Watch me and see if I really am a douche.
Ztp, aka the guy who isn’t a douche
![]() 06/21/2015 at 21:30 |
I can respect that, but from your wording it sounded like you just punked some kid, oh and please let’s not get into that everyone here on oppo respects people car taste. People will bash you on here if “no manual” or if your car is any type of Honda.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 21:33 |
I just recommended your post twice, and I’m not making an internet-style joke about how much I liked the sentiment.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 21:34 |
I’m gonna assume you meant “...when
a grown man...” and the answer to that is that it’s always been fine as long as the kid deserved it and OP didn’t go overboard.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 21:53 |
you are wrong shut up.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 21:57 |
You mad bro?
![]() 06/21/2015 at 22:10 |
yeah cuz you keep making the same point and your position makes no sense. he didn’t make fun of or shame the kid he made the kid responsible for touching another person property and it sounded like he handled the situation very fair and mature but you make it out like he tried to humiliate the kid.
![]() 06/21/2015 at 23:05 |
The car taste thing I will have to debate. I enjoy oppo because they love cars and the majority of them don’t bash my ride. The stranglers that do bash it are annoying. I get comments every two posts about my car and it’s horribleness.
It’s the first car I ever bought, with my own money, and paid off, with my own money. I’m extremely proud of that. It not might be the best car out there, but it’s my ride.
I can take a pt joke, I really can. I know it’s not the best car out there. But when someone who I haven’t really communicated with before bashes it, I’m gonna get irritated, because it happens more than it should.
And your right, there is a problem of car elitism here on oppo. It needs to be diminished. I’m not asking people to love the pt, but I am asking people to not bash my ride because it’s something they don’t like. The same goes for Hondas, toyotas, etc.
If we can’t appreciate someone else’s ride, we’re gonna turn into a elitist community which no one will want to join. Us opponauts can’t let that happen. We have to appreciate others ride.
Ztp, who honorable rocks a ‘08 pt cruiser with a 4-spd auto, and the only known pt in the oppo-fleet.
![]() 06/22/2015 at 07:06 |
Posting it to oppo is not a form of humiliation?
![]() 06/22/2015 at 09:45 |
drove a 72 fiat 128 for 5 winters in Colorado (again, I’m 6’6”), loved it. Thing would only get to 80 if you dropped it out of a plane, but jesus it was nimble.